19132007106_debfb35b1a_bCongratulations Mark and Helen!.  This was the band’s first visit to Crockwell Farm, up in Daventry, Northamptonshire.  A beautiful setting with some lovely views, and a large marquee style venue… and a purpose built stage and dance floor  area!   It was an easy load in, and we setup, hidden from sight, which come time for the first dance, allowed curtains to be pulled back, and the band to play.

First dance was Grow Old With You by Tom Odell, which is beautiful song to start the night with.  The crowd then took to the dance floor, and the band did their thing.  After a break for the hog-roast, the band took to the stage, joined by one of the guests, ‘Uncle’Steve’… who sang a couple of great rock’n’roll numbers – one to a backing track, the other along to the band.  He sounded fantastic, and it was an honour to share a stage – big thanks goes to Uncle Steve 🙂

We played on to the cut off point, which was midnight, and though the crowd wanted more, the lights came up and we had to stop.

It was a lovely crowd to play to – Mark and Helen were a lovely couple to meet.  Have a great honeymoon, thanks for looking after us.

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